Be.brusseleir is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote the Brussels dialect, Brulingua is a new language e-learning platform that is accessible free of charge to anyone registered as unemployed with the Brussels employment office Actiris, and Rudi Janssens’ Meertaligheid als cement van de stedelijke samenleving is the book that provides by far the best description of Brussels’ current linguistic situation, on the basis of the VUB’s Taalbarometer 3. All three have been nominated for a "Language Industry Award", in the categories "De belofte van het jaar", "Beste website" and "Beste taalpublicatie", respectively. These awards are organised by the Ghent-based journal De Taalsector. De taalprofessionals aan het woord. They will be made public on 13 March. In the meanwhile, you can express your support here.