“Le Plan Marnix est un effort collectif pour promouvoir au sein de l’ensemble de la population bruxelloise l’apprentissage aussi précoce que possible de plusieurs langues. Il accorde une priorité au français, au néerlandais et à l’anglais, tout en encourageant la transmission de toutes les langues maternelles.”

marnix logo

Overview of the Programmes of the Governments for 2019-24 as regards language policy in the Brussels Capital Region.

Click here to read Philippe Van Parijs’ summary.

Jubel Festival

(Cinquantenaire Park, 7.9.19)
Panel discussion: Multilingualism: How can Brussels become an example for the rest of Europe
Summary of the discussion

Debate between Brussels têtes de liste/ lijsttrekkers

The rectors of the VUB and the ULB outline their plans for a trilingual school in Brussels.
The rectors of the VUB and the ULB outline their plans for a trilingual school in Brussels.

(La Bourse, 26.419)
Discussion startpoint: Taalbarometer data
Synthesis of the debate

Panel discussion in collaboration with the Friday Group

(Actiris, 14.9.18)
Francophones et Nederlandstaligen: Wat samen dans nos communes?
Presentation detailing positive FR/NDL initiatives in the Brussels communes.

Debate with ministers in charge of education

(Salle des Guichets, Brussels Information Point, 22.2.18)
Les jeunes Bruxellois bientôt trilingues?
Jonge Brusselaars binnenkort drietalig?

Brussels Summer University Workshop

(Bozar, 5.9.16)
We Brusselers ? Comment (re)faire un "nous" bruxellois ?
Hoe kunnen we een Brusselse "wij" (her)scheppen ?

Brussels Summer University Workshop

(Université Saint Louis, 9.15)
Pourquoi pas des médias trilingues à Bruxelles?
Waarom geen drietalige media in Brussel?

Workshop: Trilingualism also for Brusselers with yet another home language ?

(VUB, 27.9.14)

The language challenge in Brussels

(La Tricoterie, 27.4.14)
Brainstorming with political party candidates.
Quelques conclusions du brainstorming entre têtes de listes sur le défi des langues à Bruxelles.
Enkele conclusies van de brainstorming tussen lijsttrekkers over de taalproblematiek in Brussel.

Journal du Conseil/Tijdschift Van De Raad article December 2013

French version
Dutch version

Inaugural Event

(Salle Zinneke, Brussels Information Point, 28.9.13)
Agenda for the event.

Announcement of Marnix Plan at Night of Knowledge

(Kaaitheater, 30.11.12)
Watch the video here.

Founding Meeting

(Rue du Pavie, 20.6.12)
Initial brainstorming to draw up the founding document.

Exploratory workshop organized by Aula Magna

(Fondation Roi Baudouin, 28.5.10)
Efficient education in multilingual cities. How schools face the linguistic challenge in Barcelona, Luxembourg and Brussels.

Education workshop at the "Aula Magna" conference

(Fondation Universitaire, 3.3.07)
Des écoles de la réussite plurilingues pour tous les enfants bruxellois
Meertalige scholen met slaagkansen voor alle Brusselse jongeren?

Meeting of the "Aula Magna" group

(ULB, 29.11.05)
"L’usage des langues à Bruxelles-Capitale " regarding language use and linguistic competence in the Brussels Capital Region.